Get Involved

You can join the fight to break cycles of poverty around the world, no matter who you are, what you have, or where you live. Get started today.

advocate (n.)

One who pleads the cause of another
We refer to our dedicated base of volunteers as advocates not because they spend time lobbying on parliament hill, but because they rally their communities around the work we are doing together to end poverty around the world.

iTeams Advocates Are Dedicated To:


Advocates help “pay it forward” and invite others in their life to do the same.
Get Started

relationship building

Connect with our partners and remove the idea of “them vs. us”. Connecting overseas with partners helps us advocate for their rights with our platform.
Impact Teams


Advocates donate to the work our partners are doing to ensure the longevity of our work so that we truly make a real difference.


Investing time and energy into learning (and unlearning) gives you the skills and knowledge necessary to be an advocate.
Learning Hub


Giving monthly is the most effective way to help break cycles of poverty. Pulse Community members receive exclusive quarterly updates that highlight the ways that their consistent generosity is making a differences in the communities where we serve.

Current Fundraisers

Our advocates know that fundraising is an integral part of supporting the work of our implementing communities. Check out the campaigns they’re running right now:


By leaving a legacy gift to iTeams Canada, you can honour the values you held during your lifetime while helping us end the cycle of poverty. All while ensuring you care for your loved ones.
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Donating stocks, mutual funds or other types of marketable securities to iTeams Canada exempts you from paying tax on capital gains. All while making a significant difference for those experiencing poverty around the world.
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Advocate Learning Hub

Keep the learning Going.
We know that education is key to poverty alleviation, but it’s also key to advocating for an end to poverty. We resource our volunteers with E-books, courses, and more to build their capacity to love their neighbour through fundraising, Impact Team trips, and more.

Resource Spotlight: Power, Poverty And Privilege Course (10 Weeks)

A dynamic 10-week video-based learning journey designed with individual and group learning elements geared toward Christians seeking to serve justly in local and international contexts.